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Condition-based testing of wind turbines

Operators frequently commission this technical inspection to check the condition, not only in terms of stability, but also to assess the condition and function of the main components. This examination is frequently specified as a requirement within the context of machine breakdown insurance and business interruption insurance. The inspection is performed at 1-2 year intervals. Furthermore, a ZoP is frequently commissioned at the time of a contract change or contract termination to clarify deficiencies and responsibilities.

The inspection assesses the degree of wear and the quality of a wind turbine's components. This necessitates the application of analytical methods. In addition to the state of the art, there are minimal requirements specified in a subsequent policy document of the BWE's expert advisory board. See also the Principles for Condition-Oriented Maintenance of Wind Turbines, as of September 21, 2007. (

As a result, the testing on the machine's drive train should, at the very least, comprise the use of endoscope or vibration analysis. The operator is given an analysis of the various components in terms of potential damage patterns and failure likelihood. Furthermore, specialists examine the maintenance documentation and records against the backdrop of the maintenance specifications and acceptable professional practice to find shortcomings.

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